Sunday, December 9, 2007

CHIC End of year Party

Over 30 people came along to the Brazilian restaurant for our end of year party. Takashi won the 3000 yen jackpot in the janken game, and Sergio's team demonstrated their expertise on the subject of CHIC and mountains by winning the quiz. Kaori's impersonation of a mountain bird is the funniest thing I have seen all year.

Sample quiz questions:

1. Name one mountain in Japan beginning with each vowel (A, E, I, O and U).
2. Name 3 hikes that the club has done twice this year
3. What are three benefits of hiking?
4. How do you say "peak" in Japanese?
5. What were 5 dishes at this year's CHIC autumn BBQ

Get practicing ready for next year!

Some photos here. If you have more, please share your link by adding a comment.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sanpo, ogura and Yoro Mountains

Event3 peaks: Sanpo, Orura and Yoro Mountains, Gifu


2 star
8.01 Kintetsu train from Nagoya to Kuwana (arrive 8.21)
8.45 Yoro Railway line from Kuwana to Yoro (arrive 9.35)
Cost: 980 yen each way.

Number of hikers



Clear, warm and sunny
After a walk through Yoro park, we got to the famous Yoro waterfall. Here we left the crowds of leaf-viewers behind and headed up the steep track to bag three peaks. We really enjoyed the autumn colours and the views.

Hiking timeAbout 6 hours including breaks, souvenir shopping and photo stops


Jo and David


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fujiwaradake (1120), Mie

Hike time About 6 hours
Grade 2 (challenging)
Number of hikers
Hike details We made good time up the steep zigzagging path to the 9th station and warmed up in the hut. Some people go all out at lunchtime - Masa and Yasu made toasted banana and honey sandwiches. Yes, they brought a sandwich toaster up with them! Justin brought an enormous thermos of coffee to share. We went out into the sleet for the last part up to the peak. When the clouds cleared we did get glimpses of lovely mountains in the distance. We were a week or so too early to see many red leaves on the trees at the shrine at the end.
Transportation We took the 8.01 Kintetsu train to Tomida (28 minutes) then changed onto the 8.39 Sangi line train to Nishi Fujiwara (50 minutes). We took the train back at 4.39, changed at Tomida and got back to Nagoya just after 6pm.
Fare from Nagoya: 1040 yen each way.

Showers plus sleet/hail at the top!

Jo and David

More Photos!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Magome to Tsumago

Hike time 4 hours
Grade 0.5 (easy)
Meeting time and place
7.15 and JR Chikusa station (downstairs near the ticket machines)
Hike details (From "The beautiful former post towns of Tsumago and Magome are connected with each other by an attractive walking trail that follows the old Nakasendo, a Edo Period highway from Kyoto to Edo." ..."the trail is 8 kilometers long" ... "Partly nature trail, partly covered by original cobblestones and partly paved roads, the trail passes several small villages, waterfalls and historic structures."
Transportation 1. Take the 7.34 JR Chuo line train to Nakatsugawa. 1280 yen. 70 minutes
2. Take a bus (there is one at 9am) from Nakatsugawa to Magome. 540 yen. 30 minutes.

Return (1620yen)
1. Take the 4.05 JR Chuo line train from Nagiso to Nakatsukawa (21 minutes)
2. Take the 4.39 JR Chuo line train from Nakatsugawa to Chikusa (69 minutes)
Leader Lucas
Number of hikers
Over 30

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Club BBQ

What a wonderful BBQ at Shonai Ryokuchi Koen! There was a great turnout and perfect weather! Thanks to the organisers for the wonderful food.

Photos here

Feel free to reply to this blog and share your photo link with the group.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ena-san, 2190m

Date:  October 13th and 14th, 2007
Transportation:   By car
Rating of hike:   Two stars

Number of hikers: 4

Weather: Dry, cool and a bit misty

Hiking time: Around 7 and a half hours (including breaks)

Hike leader: Justin Powell

The night before, we stayed in the emergency hut at
the top of Fujimidai
(mountain next to Ena-san). Justin cooked us an amazing Nabe and new
member, Jeff, showed us some card games!

We started the hike on Sunday morning. The trail was quiet and we
saw lots of beautiful autumnal colours. It was a really lovely walk.

Photos here

Monday, October 8, 2007

Mt. Tsugao (273m) hike

Event: Mt Tsugao (273m) hike-Sunday 07th- October

Hiking hours: 4

Hike rating: 0,5

Weather: cloudy

Transportation: 11:00 Meitetsu train from Nagoya Sta. to Inuyama Sta. (540 yen). On our return we made the 03:56 train from Zenjino Sta. (650 yen).

Number of hikers: 3

Leader: Sergio

Photos here:

Monday, August 6, 2007

Mt. Ibuki hike (1377m)

Event: Hiking the highest mountain in Shiga (Mt. Ibuki - 1377m)

Date: August 5th

Transportation: 7:39 JR train from Nagoya to Omi Nagaoka (1110 yen) and then a bus to the entrance of the trail (350 yen)

Hiking time: 8 hours

Rate: 2 stars

Number of hikers: 9

Leader: Sergio

More photos here:

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mt. Tado hike (403m)

Mt. Tado was a great hike....minded the heat wave, though. But we were compensated by a nice swimming area where we had lunch and went swimming. Visiting Tado Shrine was an interesting way to end this hike. It couldn't have been more fun. Thank you guys.
More photos here:

Hike Details:
Transportation: 9.01 Kintetsu train from Nagoya to Tado (via Kuwana) 560 yen each way.
Hike Rating: 1 star
Number of hikers: 13
Leader: Sergio

Sunday, July 22, 2007

"Good-bye Sara" hike (Mt. Gozaisho)

More photos here:
Hike and swim
Date: July 22nd, 2007
Hike: Mt. Gozaisho (1210m)
7.52 Meitetsu bus to Yunoyama Onsen
(it takes 1 hour). The one way fare is
1,280 yen.

Hiking hours:
Around 6 hours including a swim.


2 star
Hike Leader:
Sara (finally!)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Hiking in Central Japan Alps

: 30 June to 1 July
Hiking time: 7 hours (day 1); 5 and a half hours (day 2)
Peaks: Hokendake (2931m) and Hinokiodake (2728m), Central Japan Alps
Transportation: By car to Komagane Kogen, bus to Shirabi Daira, cable car to Senjojiki
Grade: 3 star (open to platinum members)
Number of hikers: 5
Leader: Alan
Highlights: scrambling up and down rocks, the views from the ridge when the clouds cleared, the troop of monkeys at the top of Hinokiodake, the lone kamoshika or Japanese serow (wooly goat-antelope animal), blossom and other flowers, visit to one of the town's onsens (hot springs) at the end
Lowlights: thick fog obscured our views on the second day, the hut at Kisodono sanso was not yet open (we stayed at the emergency hut near Hinokiodake instead which was very good), a bit of sunburn
Jo's photos
Sergio's photos
Justin's photos

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mirokuyama(437m) and Dojuyama(429m) hike

Today we did a short easy hike with Kasugai City Botanic Garden as the start and hiked on Tokai Nature Trail (Green-rich area included in Aichi Highland Quasi-National Park) of Mirokuyama and Dojuyama with gentle ups and downs. We enjoyed great views from the top of Mirokuyama and at the top of Dojuyama stone Buddhas with gentle smiles (???) greeted us.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kyogatake 2296m

Kyogatake, Kiso Mountains (Central Alps), Nagano
Height: 2296m (we started at 950m)
Grade: 3
Hiking time: 8 hours including breaks
Number of hikers: 10
Transportation: cars (Chuo expressway to Komagane exit)
Highlights: beautiful flowers, fragrant larch trees, (when the remains of the sand from China cleared in the afternoon) we had lovely views of the alps and of Kisokomagatake.
Lowlights: Many of us were not in the best condition. Lots of blisters, aching legs and tiredness about, but we all made it up and down OK. I'm glad we brought Dr. Justin and his medical kit along!

Link to the hiking course

Jo's photos

Sergio's photos

I forgot to take a picture at the top! Did anyone else get one? Please post a comment and link to your pictures.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Magome-Tsumago hike

Magome- Tsumago-Nagiso hike Sunday 20th May

Today as the weather cooperated perfectly, 20 avid hikers (includind two little kids) decided to give the 2 important post towns in the Edo period on the Nakasendo trail a try. We started in a town called Magome (Gifu) and walked 8,0 km to Tsumago (Nagano). They really are beautiful old preserved towns. Along the way we were treated with great views from the mountains, tiny villages, rice fields, waterfalls and forests. From Tsumago we headed for Nagiso Sta. , at the end of the hike. All in all, it took us 5 hours and was a great Sunday.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fujiwaradake (1120), Mie

Mountain: Fujiwaradake (1120m) in the Suzuka range, Mie prefecture
Grade: 2 star
Leaders: Jo and David
Transportation: We took the 8.01 Kintetsu train to Tomida (28 minutes) then changed onto the 8.39 Sangi line train to Nishi Fujiwara (50 minutes). Coming back we just made the 5.34 Sangi line train back to Tomida (there are only two every hour). Total return fare from Nagoya: 2080 yen.
Number of hikers: 11
Total hiking time: 8 hours (including a few long breaks)
Description: A fast, challenging hike up the zigzagged steep forest path for two hours twenty minutes. Lunch in the sunshine next to the hut then up through the dwarf bamboo to the summit. We could see Mount Ibuki and Ise bay in the distance as it was a very clear day. We were enjoying the hiking and the good weather so much that we decided to walk to another nearby peak (Tengudake, 1165m) for more breathtaking, panoramic views. Some rope work and scrambling coming down. We saw some beautiful wild spring flowers including wisteria (fuji), azalea (tsutsuji) and iris (ayame). We saw a couple of snakes - including one which was lying across our path! We stepped over it very carefully. We weren't sure what type of snake it was, possibly a Japanese keelback (hibakari). Near the bottom, we were able to fill our water bottles from a spring which was good timing as we were almost empty. We also enjoyed walking through two shrines before going back to the train station.

Photos here (hikers - feel free to post comments and your pictures)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007

Asuke hike and BBQ

Location: Asuke, close to the tallest mountain in Aichi with access to the Tokai Nature Trail
Number of members: 25
Weather: Gorgeous!

Here are Sergio's photos - feel free to add your own by posting a "comment".

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mt. Tsugao hike (273m)

Mt. Tsugao (273m) - Saturday 21st April

Height: 273m

Hiking time: 5 hours

Grade: 0,5 star (easy)

Weather: Cloudy

Description: Inuyama area is really quite nice if you want to get out and do some easy day-hike combined with sightseeings. We took our time to stop and look at all the pretty scenery, visited Inuyama castle and Jakkoin complex temple. It was a very pleasant walking.

Number of hikers: 11

Transportation and cost: Meitetsu express train to Inuyama Sta. at 12:00 (540 yen). From the end of the hike at Zenjino Sta. we made the 5:56 train (650 yen) to Nagoya Sta.

Leader: Sergio

Enjoy the pics. at:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mt Nyudogatake (906m)

Mt. Nyudogatake (906m) - Sunday 15th April

Hiking time:
Just under 5 hours
1.5 star (intermediate)
Mt. Nyudogatake is in the Suzuka range in Mie. It is a steep, challenging hike with beautiful views. The hikers also saw nice flowers and visited Tsubaki shrine.
Number of hikers
Transportation and cost:
Kintetsu train for Yokkaichi (610 yen each way) at 8.01 arrives 8.34.
From Yokkaichi we took a taxi to the start of the hike as the buses are very infrequent.
David / Sergio

Sergio's photos

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Kamagatake, 1161m

Mountain: Kamagatake, Suzuka range
Prefecture: Mie/shiga
Height: 1161m
Hikers: 12
Weather: A perfect sunny day
Transportation: 7.52 Meitetsu bus to Yunoyama Onsen (1 hour)
Highlights: views, snacks, waterfalls, river, azaleas and tsubaki flowers, chain work going down steep, slippery slopes - great fun.

Pictures here

Hikers - feel free to reply to this blog with your own photo links or comments

Sunday, March 25, 2007


The weather forecast predicted 95% precipitation and we expected a bit of a slippery trudge up to the top of Ikeda-yama. Not something you want to think about at you get up at 5.30am….. As it turned out, the weather stayed dry and the 9 of us had a lovely day hiking and enjoying the mild weather. We even saw a few blossoms near the start of the trail. The trail was very quiet – we only saw one other group of hikers all day. I think most people are holding out for when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in a week or two.


I can't believe I forgot to mention this - we didn't see any bears (thankfully) but Sergio and Chiho saw a deer!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mt. Ibuki

I can't believe we did this hike. Most people climb Mt. Ibuki in summer when the snow has gone and the flowers come out. We thought we'd give it a go in winter as it has been unseasonably mild this year. 12 of us from the hiking club started climbing in the sunshine - we could see a little snow on top. As we climbed higher however, the weather turned. We climbed in increasing snow blizzards. I'm not sure how I actually made it to the top - I couldn't really see where I was going. An indoor shrine located at the top gave us some shelter for a while. Inside we met some experienced Japanese climbers who gave us food (biscuits that people save for emergencies) and then lead us to the summit. Here are June's photos. I think we'll save this mountain until summer in future!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Nagiso Mountain, Nagano

Awesome hike today in Nagano – Nagiso Mountain 1677m (about 5500 feet in old money). Great views of the alps. Lots of lovely snow and warm weather! Enjoy the pictures and goofy videos!

Half way up a mountain (video)

360 degree view at the top (video)

A selection of photographs

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mt. Ishizu and Mt. Tado

We did another lovely hike today. 13 of us covered 10k taking in 2 peaks, climbing to 650m. At the end of the hike was a really interesting temple complex. A priest blesses cars and a horse is housed in a shrine. For 100 yen I took a stick with the number "15" on it. Narita-san and Chiho translated my fortune for me. I would have good luck on a long journey, I must study harder and I will find something that I have lost. I tied the paper to the fence with all the other fortunes. Back in the town of Tado we found a beer hall specialising in the local organic brews. Makes a change from a doughnut shop!

Here are the photos from today.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Kirara Mountain

Justin scared us with his announcement for this club hike: “Expect snowy and icy conditions. Proper hiking boots are necessary along with crampons, warm clothes, wet weather gear, water, lunch and towel.” The meeting time was also 7.10am! We were so glad that we did drag ourselves out of bed at 5.30 on a public holiday as the hike was phenomenal. Our guides were the sweetest two ladies. They have been walking in the Chubu Mountains for 40 years, are now retired and spend all their free time hiking. In short, they know the place like the backs of their hands including all the secret routes and little-known tracks. In addition to showing us a lovely quiet forest track up to the peak of Kirara mountain (in the Suzuka range), we were treated to freshly-brewed coffee en route and home-cooked soup at the top. What a treat! We have decided that on future hikes, we too will cook. We’ll start with a boil-in-the-bag up Nagiso-san.

Although there was a bit of snow, it turned out that we didn’t need crampons and wet weather gear. Glorious sun shone the whole day long. This meant that we never did get to see June (pronounced Yu-ne) use her ice pick axe and scary Norwegian crampons.

Enjoy the photos!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Miyagi and Goi Mountains

Once again there were nine of us out hiking early on a Sunday morning! We climbed two peaks - Mt. Miyaji and Mt. Goi. Gorgeous day. Lovely hike. Two unexpected things at the top of the second peak: a load of chickens and a giant telecom tower. Surreal.

Have a look at the pictures.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Today, David, Chiho, Sergio, Brian, Nick, Sara, Paola, Alejandro and myself (Jo) headed off to Gifu prefecture to spend 5-6 hours hiking and to climb 3 peaks – the highest one being Yorosan at 859m. We had a bit of a slow start. First, we missed the little train from Ogaki and spent an hour in Mister Donuts waiting for the next one. No one seemed to mind – I have never had a Mister Donut doughnut before. They are really tasty. We are now point card carriers (dangerous). We did discuss spending the day at Mister D’s, but of course we had a few peaks to bag.

When we got to the town of Yoro, we found the park easily enough but took a while to find the start of the trail, and when we did we were a bit confused by a railing blocking the path near the beginning. We just followed Sergio and carried on anyway. There was lots of slippery ice on the initial steep ascent and then we hit the lovely, soft fresh snow which we enjoyed for most of the way. The sun was shining and it really wasn’t too cold until we stopped for lunch. I had read that there was a hut but this turned out to just be a gazebo – open to the strong freezing winds. Brrrrrr. We placed bets on how long it would take us to get back down to the train station. Let’s just say that Brian owes us a tray of doughnuts…..

Photos here