Sunday, March 25, 2007


The weather forecast predicted 95% precipitation and we expected a bit of a slippery trudge up to the top of Ikeda-yama. Not something you want to think about at you get up at 5.30am….. As it turned out, the weather stayed dry and the 9 of us had a lovely day hiking and enjoying the mild weather. We even saw a few blossoms near the start of the trail. The trail was very quiet – we only saw one other group of hikers all day. I think most people are holding out for when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in a week or two.


I can't believe I forgot to mention this - we didn't see any bears (thankfully) but Sergio and Chiho saw a deer!

1 comment:

Sergio said...

Yeah, the rain held off and we had a great Sunday. Thanks Jo and David for leading. Sergio